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Support system for Moscow investment projects.
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Source: Росстат
by GRP volume among constituent entities of the Russian Federation
in GRP volume for Russia as a whole
industrial production index in 2023
from the retail turnover of Russia
Source: Rosstat
in comparable prices to the level of 2010
in the volume of investments in fixed assets in Russia
in FDI to Russia
share of extra-budgetary investments
Revenues, billion rubles
Costs, billion rubles
State debt, %
Source: The open budget of Moscow
The volume of Moscow 's budget in 2023.
the world's leading stock exchanges for the total capitalization of traded shares
banking assets of Russia
total number of existing credit organizations in Russia
Source: Knight Frank
in the National rating of the investment climate state in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
in the ranking of PPP development in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
in the UN ranking on e-Government development
business services are provided exclusively in electronic form
employees have higher education
territory of the city 4G networks coverage area
Moscow 13,1
Hong Kong 7,1
Singapore 5,3
London 8,4
Berlin 3,5
Paris 7,0
open since 2011
The rolling stock of the subway and electric trains will be renewed by 2023.
new trolleybuses, buses, trams purchased over the past 10 years
on the city roads
congestion has decreased since 2012.
The average speed on city roads in 2010-2018 increased.
on Quality of Life among Regions of Russia (RIA Rating, 2022)
by the number of universities among the regions of Russia (Rosstat)
major international sporting events annually
cultural events per day
The number of rehabilitation centers for people with disabilities has increased
conditionally clean
lightly soiled
in increased the number of automatic stations for monitoring air pollution
atmospheric pollutants decreased
automatic emission control systems implemented at 55 industrial enterprises
emissions of harmful substances from vehicles decreased
Moscow Development Vector until 2025
The effectiveness of RIA and AIA procedures
Protection of legal rights and development of competition
Competition Standards
Large-scale investment projects help create modern infrastructure and jobs in Moscow
Support measures from the city. Platforms for investments
Presentations and analytical materials of Moscow are available for reading and downloading in PDF format