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InvestMoscow Portal
Portal InvestMoscow


The Moscow Investment Portal (hereinafter also the portal) is a specialized information system of Moscow designed to promote the city’s investment opportunities, to provide information support for investment policy implementation and investment management, as well as to serve an interaction channel between the Moscow Government and investors.

In order to promote Moscow’s investment opportunities abroad and to attract foreign investors, the portal is available in five foreign languages: English, German, Spanish, Arabic and Chinese.

In the course of the portal development and deployment, the investment and business community studies and surveys were carried out, the world practice of creating such portals was used, and the recommendations by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives and the Expert Group for Regional Investment Standard Implementation Monitoring were taken into account.

The portal was created as a single-entry point for investors and entrepreneurs and contains the necessary information for business and investment in Moscow:

  • Moscow social&economic development statistics and analytics;
  • information about investment projects information about the investment projects that are planned and implemented in Moscow;
  • information about the auctioned city real estate, including land plots, with transport accessibility, utility and basic technical and economic data;
  • a plan to create investment and infrastructure projects in Moscow;
  • investor’s guide containing the information about the procedures and public service conditions applied to incorporation and business operations in Moscow;
  • business support measures provided by the Moscow Government;
  • Moscow technoparks and technopolises, including the information about vacant sites and offering an opportunity to submit an online business application;
  • support measures for operating industrial enterprises and new investment projects;
  • city investment map indicating the auctioned items; social, transport, housing, communal infrastructure and other facilities under construction; technopolises and technoparks, industrial sites; transport transfer hubs; industrial complexes; public-private partnership projects;
  • direct communication channelof the Moscow Government offering an opportunity to send an appeal or an investment initiative.

About 30 executive authorities are integrated into the Moscow Investment Portal framework. This allowed to create a single mechanism to support investors, to update the online data regarding Moscow’s investment projects and facilities, and to maintain services for investors.

In addition to the standard recommendations by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, the Moscow Investment Portal includes the following features:

  1. Interagency Information System that allows investors and entrepreneurs to interact with the relevant Moscow executive authorities via online services using the portal personal account;
  2. Geo-Information System offering an opportunity to search for information on available land plots, vacant areas in Moscow technoparks and technopolises, as well as the main investment facilities at the city map;
  3. Targeted Information Interaction between the Moscow Government and businesses (the targeted newsletter and the monthly Monthly Investment Digest).

The contents and functionality of the Moscow Investment Portal complies with the requirements of the Regional Investment Standard to ensure a favorable investment climate within the region.