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The first preferential industry loans to totaling RUB 17 bn were approved

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The Moscow Industry and Entrepreneurship Support Fund reviewed and approved 44 applications of industrial enterprises of the city for preferential loans to replenish working capital and implement investment projects. The total volume of loans under approved applications will amount to RUB 17 bn, RUB 723.3 m was allocated from the Moscow budget to compensate the part of the interest rate. Most of the loan funds, RUB 15.7 bn, will be directed by enterprises to replenish working capital, and RUB 1.3 bn will receive by enterprises for the implementation of investment projects.

Manufacturers of the food industry, cosmetics, mechanical engineering, pharmaceuticals, microelectronics and electrical equipment became the first recipients of anti-crisis support. With the help of the city, the loan rate for them will be 15% per annum, which is 10 percentage points lower than standard banking programs.

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