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Construction and renovation

To get a certificate for a capital construction facility verifying its conformity with the requirements of the Technical Regulations


5 business days


- Through a legal representative
- On the website
- In person


The statement of conformity is issued  if, in the process of  construction/reconstruction of the relevant capital facility, no breaches are committed of the requirements of the technical regulations, other regulatory legal acts and design documentation, including requirements regarding energy efficiency and equipment of the capital facility with metering devices for energy resources, or if such breaches are amended before the issue date of such statement of conformity. 

List of documents:

Application for issue of a statement of conformity for the built (reconstructed, repaired) capital facility with the technical regulations and design documentation (original, one counterpart).    
- Mandatory
- Issued without return 




+7 (499) 240-03-12 (multiline telephone), +7 (499) 240-25-06, +7  (499) 240-41-15 (one-stop-shop service), +7 (499) 240-54-03 (consultation support on providing public services in electromic form), +7 (499) 240-20-12 (fax)  


Bronnaya St., 9, Moscow 121059 

Categories of recipient:

Legal entities
Sole traders