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Construction and renovation

Obtaining a permit for facility start-up (except Specially Protected Natural Areas and Cultural Heritage Sites)


10 woking days.


- In person
- Through a legal representative
- On the website



Laws and regulations:

- On Approving Administrative Regulations for Provision of Public Services of the City of Moscow 'Issue of Construction Permits' and 'Issue of Start- up Permits'" No.  145- PP. Administrative Regulations dated 17 April 2012, a regulatory legal act directly regulating provision of the public service.
- Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation No. 190- FZ. Law dated 29 December 2004


7 (499) 240-03-12;
7 (499) 240-25-06.


Bryanskaya St., 9, Moscow
Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday 8:00 to 17:00
Friday 8:00 to 15:45
Lunch 12:30 to 13:15

Categories of recipient:

- Individuals
- Legal entities