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Construction and renovation

How to obtain a land plot development plan


How to obtain a land plot development plan


- Through a legal representative
- On the website
- In person

List of documents:

- Request for provision of the public service (original);
- Applicant ID (copy);
- Documents verifying (establishing) the rights of the applicant to the land plot (notorised copy);
- Document confirming the powers of the representative  to act on behalf of the applicant (copy).  



Laws and regulations:

- Urban Planning Code of the City of Moscow No. 28 dated 25 June 2008.
- On the Procedure for Preparation, Approval and Issue of Land Plot Development Plans No.  229- PP dated 24 November 2011 Administrative Regulations.
- Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation No. 190- FZ dated 29 December 2004.


(499) 250-03-98; 


Triumfalnaya Square, 1, Moscow 
Opening hours              
8:30 to 16:30 (Monday to Thursday)
8:30 to 15:00 (Friday)

Categories of recipient:

- Individuals
- Legal entities