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Real estate

Obtaining an extract from the technical certificate for a building (structure) (Form 1а)


No more than 10 business days.

Forms of Obtaining:

- In person
- Through a legal representative
- Through a multifunctional centre

List of documents:

- Entitling documents;
- ID;
- Letter of guarantee;
- Power of Attorney;
- Application.


Obtaining an extract from the technical certificate for a building (structure)  (Form 1а), (Form 1b) - 212.0 RUB
212.0 RUB per extract

Laws and regulations:

On State Recording of Housing Facilities in the Russian Federation  (Resolution by the Government of the Russian Federation) No. 1301. dated 13 October 1997, a regulatory legal act directly regulating provision of the public service.  




Maly Gnezdnikovsky Pereulok, 9, Bld. 7, Moscow  
Opening hours:
08:00 to 17:00 (Monday to Thursday)
08:00 to 15:45 (Friday) 
Reception of visitors: Monday from 11:00 to 17:00 -Head of State Budgetary Institution of Moscow  "Moscow City Bureau of Technical Inventory"
Reception of visitors: Tuesday from 15:00 to 17:00 -Deputy Head of State Budgetary Institution of Moscow  "Moscow City Bureau of Technical Inventory" 

Categories of recipient:

- Individuals
- Legal entities