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Participate in city auctions without intermediaries

Attractive investment properties. Transparent procedures and understandable conditions.

Investment Map

Investment Map

All key projects and investment objects on map

City auctions
Obtaining ESG status
Investment map


Moscow today



single source of information about objects at city auctions

> 4 thousand

Objects on display daily

> 9 thousand

Objects sold in 2022

100 %

Legal guarantee of all completed deals

13,1 m people

The biggest city in Europe

1 Place

In the rating of Russian regions by quality of life

> 900 bn RUB annually

Large scale investment development program

> 20 %

Moscow’s share in Russian GRP

6.8 trillion rubles

Capital investment in 2023

+ 3,8 %

Investment growth in 2023 against 2022 in comparable prices

1 Place

In the rating of regional centers of competence based on the results of implementation of the national project "Labor Productivity"

1 Place

National Investment Climate Ranking in Russian Regions


Cities of the world in the ranking of attractiveness for foreign investment

1 Place

National rating of investment attractiveness of special economic zones (SEZ) in Russia

1 Place

National rating of the investment climate in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

1 Place

Rating of the efficiency of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the sphere of industry

1 Place

Rating of investment attractiveness of SEZs and industrial parks

1 Place

Index of efficiency of the Regional Investment Standard implementation

One-stop shop

free assistance in elaboration and maintenance of your project

- 25 %

reduction of regional taxes for investment priority projects

till 300 m RUB

Preferential loans up to 300 mln RUB loan rate key rate of the Bank of Russia minus 4.5%

No tender procedures

for renting a land plot for large-scale investment projects

up to 100 m RUB

Compensation under leasing agreements

up to 3 %

Subsidizing interest costs on investment loans to industrialists up to 3%, for 3 years

up to 100 m RUB

bank guarantee support provision for SMEs